Saturday 26 January 2013


on the special day 
lets promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure 
Happy Republic Day.
On the occasion of India's 63th Republic Day ,
Little Food Junction salutes the Nation ,the Constitution
& the immortal National Heros for their devotion and
sacrifices. Hope peace , love and harmony reigns in all
the parts of the world today n everyday.
Happy Republic Day to all !!!

Todays food art creation is a symbolic representation of the
4 directions of the Indian republic - the saffron colored
carrot halva is a favorite delicacy from West , the rice depicts the
staple food of East , the green sprouts depict the pulse loving
North n the spiral Murukku on top symbolizes the savories from
South , n together they combine to make our national Flag n a
well balanced Indian thali ( food ).

Freedom Cakes & Pastries at Bagels & Brownies
To celebrate the spirit of Republic Day Bagels and Brownies has designed special cakes and pastries in tricolor. Salute the nation and enjoy the delicious cakes and pastries with your near and dear ones.

Tri Colored Rice!
As the Republic Day is approaching, all of us are thinking what can be done to make this day special. The best thing that can be done to celebrate Republic Day at home is by making tri colored rice, which has all the three colors of the flag in it. Here is how you can make it.
Ingredients: 300 gm Basmati rice, 2 gm green cardamom, 2 gm bay leaf, 1 gm zavitri, 30 gm frestomato paste, 30 gm desi ghee, 20 gm spinach puree, salt to taste
How to make:Divide rice in 3 equal portions. Soak all three portions in water separately for 30 minutes. Now cook the rice along with whole spices and ghee in three batches — one batch with the spinach paste, the second batch with the tomato paste and finally the third batch just in water. Arrange rice in layers in a greased mould and invert in onto the serving plate. Don’t forget to make it more sumptuous with accompaniments.

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