Saturday 26 January 2013


on the special day 
lets promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage our ethos and our treasure 
Happy Republic Day.
On the occasion of India's 63th Republic Day ,
Little Food Junction salutes the Nation ,the Constitution
& the immortal National Heros for their devotion and
sacrifices. Hope peace , love and harmony reigns in all
the parts of the world today n everyday.
Happy Republic Day to all !!!

Todays food art creation is a symbolic representation of the
4 directions of the Indian republic - the saffron colored
carrot halva is a favorite delicacy from West , the rice depicts the
staple food of East , the green sprouts depict the pulse loving
North n the spiral Murukku on top symbolizes the savories from
South , n together they combine to make our national Flag n a
well balanced Indian thali ( food ).

Freedom Cakes & Pastries at Bagels & Brownies
To celebrate the spirit of Republic Day Bagels and Brownies has designed special cakes and pastries in tricolor. Salute the nation and enjoy the delicious cakes and pastries with your near and dear ones.

Tri Colored Rice!
As the Republic Day is approaching, all of us are thinking what can be done to make this day special. The best thing that can be done to celebrate Republic Day at home is by making tri colored rice, which has all the three colors of the flag in it. Here is how you can make it.
Ingredients: 300 gm Basmati rice, 2 gm green cardamom, 2 gm bay leaf, 1 gm zavitri, 30 gm frestomato paste, 30 gm desi ghee, 20 gm spinach puree, salt to taste
How to make:Divide rice in 3 equal portions. Soak all three portions in water separately for 30 minutes. Now cook the rice along with whole spices and ghee in three batches — one batch with the spinach paste, the second batch with the tomato paste and finally the third batch just in water. Arrange rice in layers in a greased mould and invert in onto the serving plate. Don’t forget to make it more sumptuous with accompaniments.

Friday 18 January 2013

Most Popular Indian Vegetarian Dishes

veggie food we love and you will too..these are some of most searched for and most loved Indian Vegetarian recipes. they are not just favorites among Indians.people all over the world enjoy them and some of them have iconic status.. well almost
1. Malai Kofta (vege-balls in a thick sauce)
A Dish for special occassions,Malai Kofta is the delicious vegetarian alternative to meatballs.
Another hot favorite North Indian dish! This mildly flavored dish is super healthy too.
Wholesome, tasty and very, very popular, Rajma tastes great even when served with just plain rice
Serve Mutter Paneer with Parathas, Naans and even Jeera Rice.
Kaali Daal is also known as Ma Ki Daal (mom's lentils) because it is so wholesome and delicious!
Serve this crowd pleaser piping hot and accompanied by pooris/bhatooras (fried Indian bread).
This simple dish tastes great with hot chapatis (Indian flatbread) or parathas (pan-fried Indian flatbread). Team with a dish like Rajma and you've got a terrific vegetarian meal.
This stuffed flatbread is best eaten with chilled yogurt and your favorite pickle or chutney. Want to be naughty? Aaloo parathas taste delicious with fresh, thick cream or a knob of unsalted, home-made butter!
A tasty alternative for those who love kababs but are vegetarian, Hara Bhara kabab gets its name and green colour from the healthy spinach in it.
Made with masoor daal (orange lentils) this dish is simple and very tasty. It is in fact almost a staple in most homes. It makes a great accompaniment for plain boiled rice and a vegetable or meat dish.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Lohri/Makar Sankranti

Recipe: Kurmure Laddoo
1) ½ cup roasted peanuts, shelled
2) 250gm parmal rise, cooked
3) 250gm gur (jaggery)
4) 250ml water
5) ½ cup dry coconut flakes
6) 6-7 pieces of chhoti elaichi (cardamom), powdered
1) Boil jaggery in water to form a thick syrup. To check for the right consistency, add few drops of the syrup into water - it should solidify immediately. Now add roasted peanuts, rice, cardamom powder and dry coconut flakes. Stir, gently.
2) Allow the mixture to cool for few minutes. Smear your palms with a little ghee to roll out balls. 

Recipe: Bajra Khichdi
100 gms Bajra
40 gms Yellow Moong Dal
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Ghee

How to make Bajra Khichdi
Soak 100 grams bajra for an hour.
Separate the husk from the bajra by grinding coarsely in a mixer at a low speed.
Mix moong dal when it becomes completely husk free.
Transfer the contents in a pressure cooker with water and salt.
Cook the contents for 10 minutes.
Add hot water if required.
Mix hot ghee to the food.
Bajra Khichdi is ready to be served.

Recipe: Payesh
This Makar Sankranti, learn how to make some payesh.

Ingredients : 
250 gms rice 
2 litres milk 
1/2 tsp cardamom powder 
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder 
200 gms soft jaggery 
2 tsp chopped almonds
2 tsp chopped pistachios 
6 strands of kesar
Procedure :
Wash 250 gms rice and leave it for drying. 

Boil the milk for about 15 minutes. 

Add rice in it and cook till it becomes thick. 

Add cardamom powder, kesar and nutmeg powder. 

Add jaggery and stir till jaggery melts. 

Take out from the fire. 

Garnish with chopped almonds and pistachios. 

Pesarattu is a speciality dosa of Andhra Pradesh, traditionally made during Makar Sankranti. 


• 1 cup Moong Dal 
• 1 Onion (finely chopped) 
• 1/4 tsp Ginger( finely chopped) 
• Coriander leaves (finely chopped) 
• 1-2 Green Chillies 
• Salt as per taste

• Soak the moong dal for about 4 hours in water taken in a bowl. 
• Wash them and grind to make smooth paste along with the chillies and ginger. 
• Add the chopped onions, chopped coriander leaves and salt to the above prepared paste. 
• Heat a flat griddle on high flame. 
• Pour the batter on it and spread the batter on the pan moving from center to the corners. 
• Give it the shape of round pancake. 
• Sprinkle little oil on its sides and cook it for 2-3 minutes. 
• Turn over and cook again. 
• Serve it hot with coconut chutney. 

Saturday 12 January 2013

10 Tips for Food Safety

Follow our ten tips to help keep you and your food safe and well.

Always put these foods into your fridge or freezer as soon as you can.
In addition, raw meat and fish should be stored at the bottom of your fridge.
Buy and use a fridge thermometer.
Always check the dates and use food within the recommended period.
Also keep pets away from dishes and work tops.
Always wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food, after going to the toilet or after handling pets.
Wash work tops and utensils between handling food which is to be cooked and food which is not.
Eggs should always be stored in a fridge.
Follow the instructions on the pack, and if you reheat food make sure it is piping hot.
Never leave food standing around.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

15 Minute Recipes-Soups and Salads


  1. Avasara Rasam from From my kitchen to yours…
  2. Cream of mushroom soup from Khana Khazana with Malini
  3. Cucumber Soup from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  4. Gingery Berry Soup from Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes
  5. Majika rasam from Kitchen Koncoctions
  6. Menasina saaru from Aroma
  7. Moar Rasam from From my kitchen to yours…
  8. Puli Saaru from Fusion
  9. Strawberry and Tomato Soup from Paritaskitchen

  1. Carrot Kosumalli from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  2. Chickpeas Salad from
  3. Chucumber from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  4. Cucumber salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  5. Fruit kebabs from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  6. Fruit Salad with fruit yogurt dressing from Plantainleaf
  7. Green Salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  8. Healthy Fruit Salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  9. Mandarin Salad from Cooking and the City
  10. Mom's Style Salad from From my kitchen to yours…
  11. Quick Julienned Salad from Veggie Food Journal
  12. kidney bean salad from
  13. Red Health Salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  14. Salad from Asankhana
  15. Sprouts Salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  16. Strawberry Salad from Usha Nandini's Recipes
  17. Sweetcorn-Tomato Koshimbir from

Saturday 5 January 2013

Heart-Healthy Foods Pictures

With the help of nutrition experts from The Cleveland Clinic and the American Dietetic Association, we've put together a list of the "best of the best" heart-healthy foods.
The foods listed here are all top-performers in protecting your heart and blood vessels. We've also got menu ideas -- so you can easily bring heart-healthy foods into your daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

1.      Salmon
Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids.
Recipe Idea: Grill salmon with a yummy rub or marinade. Save a chunk to chop for pasta or salad later on.

2. Flaxseed (ground)
Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, phytoestrogens.
Recipe Idea: Ground flaxseed hides easily in all sorts of foods -- yogurt parfaits, morning cereal, homemade muffins, or cookies.

3. Oatmeal
Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, folate, niacin, calcium, soluble fiber.
Recipe Idea: Top hot oatmeal with fresh berries. Oatmeal-and-raisin cookies are a hearty treat

4. Black or Kidney Beans
Nutrients: B-complex vitamins, niacin, folate, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, soluble fiber.
Recipe Idea: Give soups or salads a nutrient boost -- stir in some beans.

5. Almonds
Nutrients: Plant omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, fiber, heart-favorable mono- and polyunsaturated fats, phytosterols.
Recipe Idea: Mix a few almonds (and berries) into low-fat yogurt, trail mix, or fruit salads.

6. Walnuts

Nutrients: Plant omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, fiber, heart-favorable mono- and polyunsaturated fats, phytosterols.
Recipe Idea: Walnuts add flavorful crunch to salads, pastas, cookies, muffins, even pancakes.

7. Red Wine
Nutrients: Catechins and resveratrol (flavonoids).
Recipe Idea: Toast your good health! A glass of red wine could improve "good" HDL cholesterol

8. Tuna
Nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acid, folate, niacin.
Recipe Idea: Here's lunch: Salad greens, fresh fruit, canned tuna. Keep "Salad Spritzer" - a light dressing -- in your office fridge.

9. Tofu
Nutrients: Niacin, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium.
Recipe Idea: Tasty tofu is easy: Thinly slice "firm" tofu, marinate several hours, grill or stir-fry.

10. Oranges
Nutrients: Beta-cryptoxanthin, beta- and alpha-carotene, lutein (carotenoids) and flavones (flavonoids), vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber.Recipe Idea: Got orange juice? Check out the new nutrient-packed blends.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Food Slideshow

     May New Year's Eve find you seated around the table,together with your beloved family and cherished friends.May you find the food better, the Environment quieter, the cost must cheaper,and the pleasure most fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night......